The Monument To The Sparrow Photo: The Monument To The Sparrow

The monument to the Sparrow in Baranavichy was installed in 2003 on the Boulevard Heinola, sister-city of Baranovichi. The author sculpture statue Sparrow became a Belarusian sculptor Stanislav Celuk. On the pedestal, where sits the bronze Sparrow, written in Belarusian: "2003 is the year of the Sparrow house. To you forever I arrived. Not the South beckons, and the homeland".

Local residents claim that the city authorities in such an original way managed to decorate a four-foot metal pipe, for some reason sticking out in the middle of the main square of Baranovichi. Bronze Sparrow really is sitting on a pipe.

This original decision was so loved by the citizens, which they considered to be a monument to your urban Sparrow mascot. Here come the students before exams and some superstitious people. It is believed that if you iron bronze body, it will bring good luck. High school students come here after my holiday last call Pat Sparrow on happiness. They say all the wishes really do come true.

31 March 2003 was released a postage stamp with a picture of this unusual monument in Baranavichy under the auspices of the international organization for the protection of birds and the Belarusian organization "APB-BirdLife Belarus".

Near the monument held shares of conservationists in support of urban birds, particularly house sparrows, many centuries living side by side with humans and play an important role in protecting green spaces from insect pests.

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