The Museum of the Berlin wall Photo: Museum of the Berlin wall

The Berlin wall Museum is one of those attractions that do not allow to forget about the sad and rather tragic events of the recent past. In 1961, on this point formed the border checkpoint, which lasted until 1990. It served to control the transition of the allies from East Berlin to West Berlin, formed after the erection of the Berlin wall. We know from history, as in one night many relatives were separated from each other without a single opportunity for a speedy reunion.

The Berlin wall Museum, which is also called checkpoint Charlie, was formed in 1962 and became not just a symbol of the collision of a few powers, but also a place, which reflects the struggle of people for their rights. The Museum is located near the station Friedrichstrasse, was its founder Rainer Hildebrandt, who managed to create the exhibition, reflecting the history of the Berlin wall.

This historical site keeps a lot of materials about the history of the Wall and those sad incidents which were inextricably linked with her. Of course, we are talking about the ongoing efforts of the escape of the residents of the Eastern part of Berlin, many of them, unfortunately, ended tragically. The Museum features personal belongings of the participants of the shoot, as well as all those objects relating to the history of the Wall, and on this period artwork.

Today, the Museum is dedicated to the struggle of people for their rights in General, it is for this reason among the exhibits you can find such as sandals and diary Gandhi, the death mask of the famous academician Andrei Sakharov. Each submitted object will tell us about their small part of the history of man's struggle for freedom and a better life.

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