Church Of The Presentation Of The Theotokos Photo: Church Of The Presentation Of The Theotokos

Blagoevgrad is a Bulgarian town located in South-West Bulgaria in one hundred kilometers from Sofia. During the Turkish occupation, the city changed its name several times, one of them is to the northeast. In the 18th and 19th centuries on the East Bank of the river Bistrica for the Bulgarian population of the city was built a quarter of Varosha, which has survived almost in its original form and remains the most interesting and popular tourist district of Blagoevgrad. The place is very picturesque, and has retained the atmosphere of the Bulgarian Renaissance: cobblestone narrow streets, old houses surrounded by high stone fences, with whitewashed facades and verandas of wood. In Varosha is a lot of monuments of architecture, history and culture, one of which is the present Church the presentation of the Theotokos into the temple.

In the mid-19th century, the Bulgarians received from the Sultan permission to build in the Varosha quarter of the Church. In 1840 began construction of the Church of the presentation of the virgin, consecrated and it was opened in 1844. For half a century the Church was rebuilt and painted. The building is a three-aisled Basilica, on the East side of which is a semicircular apse. The mural paintings of the Church were made specially invited masters of the Bulgarian town of Samokov and Bansko, famous for its picturesque schools. Work on the painting temple walls began in 1879 and lasted ten years. The iconostasis of the Church is one of the most outstanding examples of wood carving, related to the Renaissance of Bulgaria. The iconostasis is carved on the model of the iconostasis from the Rila monastery, however, has a smaller size.

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