The national Park Serra da Capivara Photo: national Park Serra da Capivara

The national Park Serra da Capivara is located in the northeastern part of Brazil. Primarily it is famous for its numerous monuments of prehistoric rock art. After archaeologists discovered in the Park petroglyphs, Serra da Capivara was inscribed on the world heritage list of UNESCO.

On the basis of identified remains, archaeologists have suggested that the Park in the prehistoric era was densely populated, and there was the largest farm in ancient America.

A popular place for tourists is the rock complex. Drawings on the walls of these rocks date from about the 14th century BC For painting on the walls of ancient people used natural dyes: white plaster, red hematite, bone, charcoal. Ancient drawings depicting animals and hunting, belong to the culture Nordeste. Later, depicting whimsical lines and geometric shapes – the culture of Agresti. To decode the last still failed. Primitive man has left traces not only in the form of drawings, numerous caves in the Park have traces of artificial processing.

Remains of life of people refute the theory about the Asian origin of the inhabitants of America. Previously it was thought that primitive people made their way to the North American continent across the Bering Strait 38.000 years ago, and to the territory of South America - a total of 13,000 years ago. Now, however, finds in the Serra da Capivara indicate that people lived in South America already 46.000 years ago. These discoveries were made by accident. Originally in the territory Serra da Capivara scientists attracted certain types of trees and cacti in the form of candelabra.

But the Park is not only famous for the remains of prehistoric settlements, but also rich in fauna. A large number of rare animals live in the Serra da Capivara. These include giant armadillos, Cougars, snakes, apes, alligators, Panthers, false vampires, small parrots, and many others.

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