Holy cross Church Photo: Holy cross Church

Church of the exaltation of the Holy cross in Brest was built in 1856. The magnificent Cathedral is a monument of late classicism. Three-nave Roman Catholic Church has a rectangular plan.

The temple was built on the Central square of Brest, which is now called Lenin square. On the other side of the square stands a bronze statue of Lenin with traditionally outstretched hand. The hand indicates the direction... at Holy cross Church, which is very symbolic.

In 1948 the Church was closed. During the conversion of the Church into a Museum, were demolished side turrets and redesigned interior. Since the mid-1950s there was opened a Museum of local lore.

The building was not destroyed during the years of Soviet power, obviously, because it has excellent acoustics and it has a beautiful old organ. Here and in the previous government conducted concerts of organ music.

In Soviet times up to 1990 in the Church housed a display of the Brest regional Museum. Now the Museum moved from here to another place.

In our time, in 2001, the Church was restored and transferred to the Catholic faithful. Was moved here the greatest relic – an ancient icon of the Mother of God in the salary of the XVII century. From earlier times there has been also a wonderful stained glass Windows depicting the virgin Mary, the apostles and saints.

The Church holds regular mass. As in previous years, the leadership of the Church graciously provides all interested persons from time to time to enjoy concerts of organ music. Here sing spiritual and classical, and even modern organ music.

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