Quarter Wyspa Mlynska Kolonada (Mills Photo: Quarter Wyspa Mlynska Kolonada (Mills

Unique medieval buildings mainly used for business purpose are located on the Mill island, which all Polish guidebooks called Wyspa Mlynska Kolonada (mills. This green oasis is a real oasis of peace and tranquility - located right in the center of Bydgoszcz.

Several centuries ago the island was factory, factories, Breweries, dye rooms and barns for the storage of food products. Now here built luxury home, apartment which can afford not everyone. On the Mill island is home to approximately half a million citizens. Neat residential neighborhoods interspersed with squares and parks.

On the banks of the river młynówka river admiring their reflections historical buildings of red brick, which was previously reserved salt, grain, did the malt. Part of the city near the water is the informal name bydgoski Venice. Most preserved ancient buildings were erected in the nineteenth century, but some date from the eighteenth or even the XV century. For example, the Foundation and basement of the White Granaries were laid in the Middle ages. Almost all the buildings carefully restored, many of them devoted to exhibition halls and museums. So, in the red building Granaries works gallery of modern art, and the mills turned into showrooms of Handicrafts.

In 1594 Mill on the island was built mint, which minted money to 1688. Now you can see the remnants of it.

Near the waterfront in the Central part Wyspa of Malinska is a city beach with sea sand, a Playground and an outdoor theater.

The island can only be reached through one of the three bridges.

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Quarter Wyspa Mlynska Kolonada (Mills
Garrison Church
Clares Church