Mustafapasa Photo: Mustafapasa

The village of Mustafapasa is located in the gorge at a distance of five kilometers from Urgup. The village of rumici called Sinason or Sinasos, and the Turks changed the name to Mustafapasa. This place attractive for tourists with its unique architecture of rural buildings.

Cappadocia - Greek Turkey. From the beginning of the Ottoman Empire until the 20th century in Mustafapasa lived a huge number of Greeks, and later settled here by the Turks. Differences in religion and religion does not interfere with the two Nations have common relatives, business and everything that brings people together in this life. It was one of the important Greek centers in Turkey. To this day there is preserved Greek mansions, churches, monasteries.

In the village is a two-storey monastery, used today as a hotel for tourists. Inside there are frescoes in fairly good condition. Also near the village is the Church of St. Basil.

The area was sacred for Christians and for Muslims. They say that here was a miracle Haji Bektashi - founder of the dervish flow. One day Haji was from Kayseri to Urgup and next to today's Mustafapasa met a Christian. The girl was carrying a tray of scones. In conversation with Bectochem she complained about the poor quality of bread and asked the dervish. Haji told her, "From now on, you will sow rye and harvest the wheat and flour baking great cakes". As he spoke, so it happened. In honor of this event the residents of nearby settlements sanctuary was built on the spot where Bektash met a girl. According to this story can be judged on friendly relations that existed between the Christians of Anatolia and dervish sects.

The Greek population is starting to grow and the city is called Sinasos, i.e. "the town of fishermen". In 1850, already home to about 450 Turks and 4500 Greeks. The development and prosperity of the fishing business, contributed to the river and the lake of Dams nearby. The scope of this business can be gauged from the fact that the Greek Guild from the town of Sinasos kept in Constantinople monopoly on salt fish and caviar business. In these years, the city reached its greatest prosperity.

Here in the XIX century began to build beautiful mansions, churches, spas, educational institutions and fountains, many of which have survived. Built here and the girls school, and library school for boys contains more than thousands of books, not only on religious themes. Sinasos became an educational and religious center for the Greek population living in the region of Cappadocia.

However came the fateful 1920-ies. They were not, unfortunately, past the Sinasos. According to the agreement, all the Greek population of Turkey were expelled to Greece, the Turkish population of Greece from their homes in Turkey. Officially this act call "exchange of population". Of the deported Greek Turks settled here. But the Turks, judging by today's state of the city, in a new place to adapt obviously failed.

Sinasos into Mustafapasa in honor of Ataturk. Soon fish business on a root rots, and the city gradually fell into disrepair, becomes almost a village, which can be seen today. Most Greek houses - works of art that are empty and are in a derelict state. Many houses were destroyed, Windows broken.

The average Greek mansion in Sinasos usually has the following form. There is a courtyard in which the mandatory was the place for winemaking. Often the house had two floors. Some parts houses often were carved directly into the rock (this feature is typical of most houses in Cappadocia). In the rocky parts and the first floor was the kitchen, space for various household needs, restroom and storage. The living area was located on the second floor. In the underground parts of the buildings, which is called the basement does not have the heart, there are areas with vaulted ceilings. This room was used as a Church family. Each house is distinguished for its unique stone carvings.

There is also the Church of saints Helen and Constantine. He carved into the rock and rests on four pillars. In it are stairs carved out of stone. In the gorge, just below, you can see the Church of the Holy cross, built of stone blocks in the rock. Inside the frescoes depict the second coming of Christ.

Being in Mustafapasa, you should definitely visit the valleys around the city. As you can see the monastery Kaslik, Abussos, Takanashi, and in the presence of auto - Kaymakli, the village and the underground city MAZ, reservoir Dams and valley Soganli. And, of course, need to stray in the streets of the city. Here you can see a lot of old Greek houses of the 19th century, in which the locals live, some converted into hotels, some are in ruins. Most of them are built from a special stone brought from the black sea region. It has a yellowish-white color. In Mustafapasa there are hotels and pensions, many are in the old Greek mansions.

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