Casertavecchia Photo: Casertavecchia

Casertavecchia – the district of Caserta, lying at an altitude of 400 metres above sea level, 10 km North-East from the city center at the foot of the mountains Tiputini. From Italian, the name means Old Caserta, and it really is the ancient centre of the city, preserved the appearance of a typical medieval Italian village.

The origin of Casertavecchia reliably established, but according to the Benedictine monk Arcement, the settlement was founded in 861, the year. Earlier this place was the ancient Roman city Kasam IRCAM. The first rulers of Casertavecchia were the Lombards, then it was plundered by the Saracens, and later a fortified village as a provincial diocese. During the Norman domination began construction of the Cathedral of San Michele, dedicated to the Archangel Michael. Then there ruled a native of Swabia, Riccardo di Lauro, during which the city experienced a period of greatest prosperity.

In 1442, the year of Casertavecchia was conquered by the representatives of the Aragonese dynasty, and began a long period of gradual decline, which led to the fact that the city remained only the Seminary and the chair of the Bishop. When the Bourbons began the great development of Caserta, and as a result, in 1842, the year all political power and even the diocese moved there. Casertavecchia left skromnym provincial town. In 1960, the year it was declared a national monument of Italy.

Today Casertavecchia lives mainly from tourism. Here you can see the ancient Cathedral of San Michele with its bell tower of the 11th century, the Church of the Annunziata and the ruins of the ancient Castello Medioevale with a tower, and dine in one of the local pizzerias with scenic views.

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