The temple of Poseidon at Isthmia Photo: the Temple of Poseidon at Isthmia

Approximately 16 km East of ancient Corinth on the territory of the Corinthian isthmus (area Isthmia) once housed an ancient Greek temple dedicated to Poseidon. The sanctuary had an important religious and political significance and was revered by all Greeks along with Olympus, Delphi and Nemea. This sanctuary is also considered one of the three most important in the world of the temples of Poseidon (the second is the Greek Cape Sounion near Athens, and the third in Italy).

Based on archaeological data, suggest that the temple of Poseidon was built in the 7th century BC and is in the Doric style. The ancient sanctuary was located near the road that connected the two largest and richest cities of classical Greece – Athens and Corinth. Here was held a particularly important meeting of the Greeks, and once in two years was held the famous Panhellenic Isthmian games. The Church was destroyed by fire about the year 470 BC, but rebuilt in 440 years BC, the Temple continued to remain influential until the end of the third century BC, after which it was gradually abandoned and eventually destroyed.

For the first time this important historic site was opened by the famous archaeologist Oscar Broner, who began excavations on this site in 1952. Research is continued until 1967, and was made some interesting discoveries, which, however, has caused many questions and disputes. Additional excavations carried out in 1989, it finally became possible to form a holistic picture of the development of the temple of Poseidon and the surrounding area. Were discovered the foundations of the temple of Poseidon (managed to recover and interesting mosaic), part of the stadium, which hosted the Isthmian games, the Roman baths and many other facilities.

The ruins of the ancient temple and the archaeological excavations of these places have historical importance and allow you to lift the mysterious veil over the fascinating world of Ancient Greece.

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