The Park Oglio Sud Photo: Park Oglio Sud"

The Park oglio Sud", in the Italian region Lombardy, situated in the lower, flat part of the valley of the river oglio from the border of the Park oglio Nord" to its confluence with the river po. The landscape of the Park has been significantly altered by human activity, and today may seem a bit monotonous – cultivated fields interspersed with small groves, planted along water canals. The Park was established in 1988 year and has taken under his protection, an area of about 13 hectares, consisting of reserves the Jerr of Gavazzi and Renate, zones Les Binet, Marcaria, San Alberto Valli di Mozia and Bosco Foca'oglio. In addition, noteworthy willow groves Channel Bogina, Foca Chiese and Calvatone and peat bogs the Belfort. Quite a diverse fauna Park – 19 species of mammals, 8 species of reptiles, 7 species of amphibians and a huge number of bird species, most of which are red and white herons, night herons, osprey, Heron, kingfishers and bee eaters.

There in the Park "'oglio Sud and abundant evidence of human presence. To the East of Calvatone during recent archaeological excavations have found traces of a Roman settlement (1st century BC.e. – The 4th century n.e.including the fragments of the huge villas. In museums Piadena, Viadana and Azoles stores artifacts of the bronze age and the Neolithic age, including odnovremenno boats-pies, remained intact and was found near the Isola Dovarese. But, of course, most of the monuments preserved from the times of existence of the Duchy of Milan castle and the fortress of Ostiano, Canneto and Casatico, wall Bozzolo, beautiful late-Renaissance area of the Isola Dovarese. A true symbol of the Park and throughout pontoon bridge is the Torre d'oglio. Also noteworthy is a small local museums, historical centers of old towns, the visitor centre of the nature reserve "Les Binet" protected by the WWF, and numerous rural buildings.

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