National Park Morne Trois Piton Photo: national Park Morne Trois Piton

National Park Dominica Morne Trois Piton is located on the eponymous mountain in the South of the island. The maximum height of the mountains of Morne Trois Piton is 1389 m above sea level and the area of the whole Park around 7 000 hectares. The foot and slopes of the mountains are overgrown with dense tropical forest, where there are various representatives of fauna. In the Park there are two of the most famous lake of Dominica Boiling lake and Emerald lake. Many ponds are formed in volcanic craters, because the Park is located in the volcanic belt. On the North of the Park is a large number of these lakes, and there are many wonderful waterfalls.

For the sake of preserving this wonderful wildlife and created this Park in 1975. And in 1997, the Park has become one of the world heritage sites of UNESCO. The ponds in the Park are very diverse: the Boiling lake, 3 freshwater lakes and many small crater lakes. Fresh water lake of Russia is the highest in Dominica, it is situated at an altitude 869 m above sea level. It is the source of many underground rivers, for the first time his name occurs in 1768 the British map. The lake of Russia has an almost perfect circular shape, it appeared in the crater of the volcano. The total area is about 4, 5 ha and an average depth of about 117 lbs. The landscape of the Park is very diverse, here you can find a lot of hot springs, and spectacular cliffs, gorges and about 50 of the gas pillars, which are called fumaroles (steam and gas streams). The Park includes the Valley of Desolation, where there is a large area of fumaroles, and has 5 extinct volcanoes. Emissions of sulfur gases and do not allow to develop vegetation in the Park is quite desolate and bleak landscape. Although, in the rest of the island grow lush dense forests. The Park's name translates as "three mountain peak, each peak of which is the crater of an extinct volcano.

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