Palazzo Bianco Photo: Palazzo Bianco

Palazzo Bianco (White Palace – one of the main buildings in the historic centre of Genoa. It is located in via Garibaldi, 11, formerly called Strada Nuova (new road). Inside the Palazzo houses an art gallery – one of the best in the city, and the Palace itself together with the adjacent Palazzo Rosso and Palazzo Doria Tursi is part of the so-called "Museum cluster", which occupies the end of via Garibaldi.

The luxurious Palace was built between 1530 and 1540 for years for Luke Grimaldi, a member of one of the most powerful families of Genoa. In 1658, the Palazzo passed into the possession of the family of De Franks, and in 1711 Federico De Francs, heir of a noble family, gave it to Mary of Durazzo Brignole-Sale, its main creditor. New owners in 1714-1716, conducted a large-scale reconstruction of the Palace, rebuilding it in accordance with the fashion of the time. It was then that it got its name – the White Palace – by the color of the decorations of the facade. Another restoration of the building took place after the Second World war.

In 1889, Maria Brignole-Sale, Duchess Galliera, the last member of an influential family, bequeathed the Palazzo to the people of Genoa, thus foreshadowing his transformation into a public gallery. In this collection for future galleries began to gather even before then – the first exhibits were purchased in 1887.

Today in the gallery of Palazzo Bianco you can see works by European artists ages 12-17, primarily the creations of masters of Genoa, Flanders, France and Spain. Art 13-16 centuries presents paintings by Barnaba da Modena, Ludovico Brea and Onions Cambiaso. A special place in the collections of the gallery is occupied by Paolo Veronese and Filippino Lippi. Dutch and Flemish painters of the 16th-18th centuries represented by Rubens ("Venus and Mars") and van Dijk (Virtamo and Pomona"). From Spanish artists were selected Zurbarán, Murillo and Ribeira. Finally, in the gallery you can also see sculptures and frescoes, collected in various museums of Europe.

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