Military-historical Museum Photo: Military-historical Museum "Aeroseum"

In the spring of 1999 Fund "Aeroseum" decided to take under his wing bunkers belonging to the Royal Swedish air force and is located near Gothenburg airport. Thus, in the framework of the "Gothenburg is a city of events" was a military-historical Museum "Aeroseum", which became a center of aviation life.

The Museum consists of two stone huts, one area is 8,000 square meters, and another 22 000. They were built in the early 1950s, at a depth of almost 30 meters under the ground as a protective hangars for modern Göta Wing (F-9). The Museum is part of national cultural heritage and at the moment, consider the question of awarding him a memorial status. From 1 January 2008, "Aeroseum" is part of a national network called "Swedish military heritage". This means that national defence Museum the Museum has economic and other support.

The exposition of the Museum shows the history of aviation from Icarus to modern civil and military aircraft. Besides the fact that visitors can see the exhibits, they can also build, to help restore the aircraft, as well as to make a virtual or real flight classic models of airplanes or helicopters.

In addition to preserving the unique exhibits are the creators and curators of the Museum have also set themselves and educational purposes: not only to tell about the history of aviation, but also to awaken children's interest in technology and natural Sciences.

"Aeroseum" offers visitors to take a fascinating walking tour through various rooms and bins, which presents a variety of aircraft, for example, a fighter jet SAAB, vintage aircraft, gliders and a number of helicopters. Excursions, usually held in Swedish. Other languages are available by reservation.

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