Grodno zoo Photo: Grodno zoo

Grodno zoo – the oldest in Belarus. It was founded in 1927 wonderful Grodno naturalist, enthusiast, and teacher, Grodno gymnasium Jan Kochanowski.

First, in Grodno has its own Botanical garden. Was created an experimental site that helped students visually explore botany. In the beds and the flower beds they grew different plants and watched them grow. Then, for the same educational purposes, was created by the Zoological Department. It contained different animals, both agricultural and taken from the wild. The students learned to care for them. Little biological garden was growing and he needed more space. In the early thirties Kochanowski achieved in Grodno magistrate's permission to use under the former zoo abandoned track.

After the reunification of Western Belarus and the Belarusian SSR, the zoo became a state institution, and care about him took on the Soviet state. This event had a positive impact on the activities of the zoo. Appeared not only new and interesting animals, but the zoo had the opportunity to carry out educational work among the population. What Jan Kochanowski, as the teacher, was very pleased.

The great Patriotic war brought to the zoo irreparable damage. The biggest loss was the shooting of Jan Kochanowski in 1942. All valuable animals have been exported to Germany, the rest destroyed. Immediately after the liberation of Belarus from Nazi invaders, the Soviet government took the decision to rebuild the zoo. Had a very hard time. Animals have nowhere to take, and even those few were able to get, had nothing to feed.

In 1946, Director of the Grodno zoo was appointed A. R. Janosevic. He immediately got down to business. After receiving state funds to restore the zoo, planted trees, lined the paths, restored water and electricity, asked for help from other zoos in the acquisition of animals. Grodno zoo has become one of the best in the country. By 1989, it contained 326 species of animals.

Hard times for the zoo began in the 90-ies, when there was no government funding, each was busy with his own Affairs and never needed the zoo with his problems and his animals. In 2002 began a new period of prosperity of the zoo. Grodno zoo had provided significant state aid, began its reconstruction, the total area of the zoo has been increased to more than 5 hectares. By 2008, the renovation was completed.

Now visitors of the Grodno zoo can enjoy the most wonderful exotic animals in spacious enclosures. For younger visitors in 2012 was opened the cafe "Mishutka".

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