The Bishop's Palace Photo: The Bishop's Palace

The Bishop's Palace built on the site of a more ancient structures - the Foundation of the fortress found traces of Roman settlements. The oldest part of the fortress is under the tower – the so-called saving the hallway and adjoining room with a cross vault. Built in 1481-86, close to the Eastern corner tower of the Gothic two-storey chapel is a rare example of the city's chapels.

After machackova defeat in 1526, the fortress was in the military order. Because of the constant threat from the Turks strengthened her hard. The greatest work of this kind executed according to the plans of Italian Pietro Ferrabosco. Despite this, 29 September 1594 g. the fortress was captured by the Turks. Four years later, on 28 March 1598 g. it was returned, but the bishops were able to return to it much later, only in the mid 18th century. Bishop Franz Zichy (1743-1783) carried out restoration work and gave the building a modern form. The last reconstruction in the fortress ended in 1984. In the process of rebuilding the walls appeared fragments of the facade of the tower, which was restored. In 2004, opened a permanent exhibition dedicated to the Bishop Vilmos Apore, zastresenom in the basement of the fortress by Soviet soldiers in 1945-m. The exhibition tells the story of his life, work and martyrdom. Along with pages of his diary, there are things and documents, the exhibition will feature music and light effects.

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