Archaeological Park Photo: Archaeological Park "City of David"

The "city of David" archaeological Park on a narrow ridge South of the Temple mount, the place where Jerusalem was born with his sorokovikova history.

Excavations on the ridge began in the mid-nineteenth century the British. The findings of scientists were material evidence of the authenticity of the events described in Top Testament.

Jerusalem is mentioned in Egyptian texts of the XIX-XVIII centuries BC, thousands of years later it was owned by the Jebusites, in 1004 BC, it was conquered by king David. Here in the ancient capital of the Kingdom of Israel was the tabernacle of the Holy Ark, is a son of David wise Solomon built the First Temple. To the VIII century BC, Jerusalem was surrounded by impregnable walls. However, in 586 BC the Babylonians destroyed a thriving city, and the Jews were carried away captive. Then followed the return of the people from Babylon to Jerusalem, the construction of the Second Temple, Roman rule, the events described in the New Testament, the destruction of Jerusalem by the Romans in the year 70.

Open air Museum-reserve, where it is still being excavated. The entrance is decorated with the image of harp – king David was not only a great warrior but also a talented musician and poet, he wrote piercing repentant soul the 50th Psalm ("have Mercy on me, o God, according to Thy great mercy..."). The ruins of the huge walls, prominent at the highest point of the ridge, identified with the Palace of David. Below you can see a typical dwelling of the citizen of those times with a courtyard and space for animals. Then found scratched on a potsherd with him by name and gave the dwelling – house of Ahala". Near the house, burned during the Babylonian invasion, we found arrowheads and the remains of furniture. In wealthy homes there are stones with holes – some of the oldest toilets. From the lookout one can see the Temple mount, Kidron valley, mount of olives.

For professionals it was a mystery why king David decided to establish his capital in such a strange place – the Jerusalem of the Jebusites was located in a valley, surrounded by high hills. Fortified cities are usually built on the highest place. But the king was not mistaken: on the Eastern slope of the adjacent hill of Ophel were the source of water that fed the city, the surrounding valley were a barrier to the enemy, around lay fertile land.

In the old Testament there is an indication that the warriors of David entered the besieged city through the water system. Archaeologists actually found in the rock of a deep vertical well, which trained soldiers managed to climb in full armor. Later, king Hezekiah broke in the rock tunnel is 533 meters, flow into the city water. This structure has allowed Jerusalem to withstand the siege of the Assyrians in 701 BCE, the Tunnel opened to the public, but the tour – the Amateur: cramped, dark, sometimes you need to go knee-deep in water.

The tunnel leads to the pool of Siloam, is known in the New Testament. Good to sit beside her and to reflect on the miracle that Christ did, restoring sight to the blind: "and said unto him, go, wash in the pool of Siloam means sent. He went and washed, and came seeing" (John 9:7).

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