Chapel Of The Holy Face The Face Photo: Chapel Of The Holy Face The Face

The Greek Catholic (Melkite), the chapel of the Vernicle image of the Face on the via Dolorosa – the part of the Cross of Jesus, which the Christian pilgrims go to fully experience the suffering of Christ. Here, at the sixth station of the Cross, remember the legend of St. Veronica, who wiped Jesus ' face with his blanket.

This is the tradition – none of this gospel episode no. The story of a pious and compassionate Jew appeared much later, in the Apocrypha and the many legends that are identified with different biblical characters. It is assumed that Veronica is not her real name, and the distortion of the Latin vera icon (true image).

All the legends agree on one thing – during the way of Jesus in Golgotha Him, beaten and bloodied, he saw a woman who came from his home to the cheers of the crowd. Instantly it flashed a pity, and she gave Jesus a handkerchief so He could wipe from the face of the blood, sweat, and dirt. The face of Christ imprinted on the fabric and after, according to the same legends, helped to heal the sick.

There are several pieces of tissue that are considered could be the veil of Veronica (the best known are stored in the Basilica of Saint Peter in the Vatican and in the Italian village of Manoppello), as well as several copies of the Holy face the Face. Officially, the Catholic Church does not recognize a genuine a single handkerchief.

Chapel of the Holy face the Face stands on the spot where, according to legend, was the home of Veronica. Via Dolorosa here narrows to Wade through crowds of tourists is not easy. Externally, the building of the chapel doesn't look like a Church, but skip the desired station is impossible. There are undoubted signs: black round badge with the Roman six and two arched doors, between which on the column, like ingrown stone wall, carved the name of the station in Latin.

The left door is usually closed, the pilgrims enter through the right-hand, blue, – for it is a small shop with icons. Turning left, the visitor sees the chapel – a long room, the harsh arches reminiscent of a cave. After the street noise is especially quiet and peaceful. Austere stone altar is the work of the Franciscan architect Antonio Bellucci, which in 1953 was reconstructed this small temple, built in 1882. During the construction were discovered and preserved fragments existed in Jerusalem in the sixth century monastery of St. Cosmas.

The chapel belongs to the community of the little Sisters of Jesus – the Association of women who help the poor and disenfranchised. Logically, it is here that the pilgrims think of simple human compassion.

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