Museum of science Bloomfield Photo: Museum of science Bloomfield

Museum of science Bloomfield in Jerusalem is considered to be the national science Museum of Israel, although he is clearly focused on children. If you think about it, this has a special meaning.

Tiny Israel ranks first in the world in the number of engineers, scientists and scientific publications per capita. The science has helped to create a thriving agriculture, electronics, medicine, alternative energy. Israeli higher education is valued all over the world.

In 1992, the Hebrew University of Jerusalem supported the proposal of the famous physicist and neuroscientist Professor Peter Hellman on the creation of a special Museum, which awakened the curiosity and interest in science in children. The project was supported by the money of wealthy and influential canadian family Bloomfield. By tradition, the Museum was named after its primary benefactor.

Today the Museum covers an area of more than five thousand square meters and focuses on several main themes: physical phenomena, computers, hydraulic engineering, mechanics, electricity. The main principle is interactivity: buttons and levers of the exhibits you can touch, twist, push and see what happens. For children, it makes an indelible impression, pull them out can be difficult.

The first thing the visitor sees at the entrance, is a huge granite ball on a water bed. Flowing water reduces the coefficient of friction so that six ton ball can turn even a child, and children will certainly not miss this opportunity. Here, in the Museum garden, – swimming pools that demonstrate the principles of operation of hydraulic devices (a great attraction for hot weather, plenty to sprinkle).

The exposition devoted to the nature of light, children draw on the walls light graffiti, create animated movies. In a special mirrored room can be seen right one of their own reflections. The exhibition devoted to the means of communication, demonstrates two phone connected transparent optical cable: see how they run lights, symbolizing the sounds.

Enormous popularity of the mechanical section, the basis of which is a colossal kinematic design coming in motion from the rotation of levers and wheels. Here is the kinematic theatre Sharmanka: from the wreckage of old furniture created by moving and singing designs, populated by characters of Hieronymus Bosch, by Mikhail Bulgakov, Ivan Krylov.

Next to the Museum is an amusement Park, where you can not only ride on a roller coaster, but also to know what force makes the tourist falling from them, what happens on the carousel, what trajectory flies thrown the ball. Perhaps admiring the baby for the first time will hear the words "Newton's laws". You hear and interested in.

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