The Church Of The Flagellation Photo: Church Of The Flagellation

The Catholic Church of the Flagellation in the Franciscan convent of the same name stands on the via Dolorosa, where, according to tradition, the Roman soldiers beat Jesus Christ. The Evangelist mark tells us about this: "Then Pilate therefore took Jesus, and scourged Him. And the soldiers platted a crown of thorns, they put it upon his head, and clothed Him in a purple robe, and said, hail, king of the Jews! and they smote Him with their hands" (MK 19:1-3). But just smashing they did not stop – in the Roman Empire before the crucifix was made to beat prisoners with special whips with pieces of metal. They caused extreme pain and tore the flesh, resulting in high blood loss.

Opposite the monastery of the Flagellation is the first station of the Cross, the path of the Christian pilgrims in remembrance of the passion of Christ. Tradition suggests that here, in place of the present school al-Omariya, was the Praetorium, the residence of the Roman Governor Pontius Pilate, in which he questioned Jesus. Excavations, however, showed that actually the Praetorium stood to the South of the Jaffa gate, and thus the scourging occurred there. But the pilgrims entered the Church of the Flagellation, don't think about a specific geographic area – they focus on the experiences of the suffering of Christ.

The Church is located on the right, the Eastern part of the small courtyard of the monastery, where come directly from the via Dolorosa (the left in this courtyard stands the Church of the Condemnation). In the XII century on this place was a temple, built by the crusaders. In 1839, on the ashes of the king of Bavaria, Maximilian IV built a chapel. During the Ottoman Empire it was used first as the stable, then as housing.

In 1927-29, the famous architect of the Holy Land" Antonio Bellucci reconstructed the original temple. The medieval style of the building is emphasized by a blank facade to the entrance, decorated in the spirit of the crusaders. The Church is small, and the stronger the impression of three magnificent stained glass Windows in the chancel, designed by the Italian artist Duilio Cambellotti. On the left stained glass window depicted a gloomy Pilate, wash your hands, on the right – joyful Barabbas, who was released instead of Jesus, and at the center – Jesus with crown of thorns, surrounded by a raging mob.

The motives of the crown of thorns that the soldiers of Christ laid on his head in mockery, appear at the entrance to the Church, the relief over the door. Inside, the visitor should definitely raise his head: he would see a Golden mosaic dome image the crown of thorns with blood – a reminder of the suffering of God.

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