The Grave Of Oskar Schindler Photo: The Grave Of Oskar Schindler

The grave of Oskar Schindler – the most unusual final resting place in Israel. On Holy for Jews mount Zion, thousands of people crying tears of gratitude to the former Nazi.

Gates Catholic cemetery plaque – "To the grave of Oskar Schindler". It is necessary to descend to the lower level: simple plate visible from a distance by lying on the rocks. This is Jewish tradition to bring the stone on the grave of a loved one. If they are not cleaned from time to time, the plate long ago disappeared under a mound.

Oskar Schindler didn't look like a man capable of causing that kind of love.

A drinker and philanderer, this native of Moravia (Czech Republic) is a spy for the Abwehr, and even sat for it in the Czech prison. In the thirty-ninth joined the Nazi party. As a pure-blooded Aryan after the defeat of Poland did get an enamelware factory that once belonged to a Jew. Communication in a Nazi elite ensured the orders of the Wehrmacht. The plant flourished. Worked on it the Jews from the Krakow ghetto.

Schindler drank with senior SS officers, he made a noisy feast, he was king of the Polish women. But somehow humanely treat their workers. And soon there was a rebirth: a hardened businessman has thrown all forces on salvation by the Nazis to exterminate the Jews.

To protect them, he had given bribes to SS, watered, even rewarded. Saved people from death camps, referring to the usefulness of the plant for the army. Forged documents. When the Wehrmacht rolled into the West and the Nazis began to massively destroy the prisoners, persuaded the commandant of the nearest camp to allow you to take workers to the factory in the Sudetenland. The permission he had received, but the Germans still sent Jews to the camps. Schindler pulled out of men, and personal Secretary was sent to Auschwitz to save women. The goal has been promising to pay for every one of the allotted 300 women seven marks a day. This is the only time in history when people were allowed to leave the camp alive with a functioning gas chambers.

An outstanding feat of the couple Singlerow became the salvation of 107 Jewish men from locked cattle cars – so the SS in January frost was carrying human cargo. Chandlery not only cured those who are perishing, but SS and in the midst of terror buried according to the Jewish rite frozen to death.

By the time of the collapse of Nazism, the tycoon was ruined. He emigrated to South America, but did not succeed there. In 1961 he first came to Israel, he was met enthusiastically. Such visit was seventeen. Survivors helped Schindler money – to the end of his life he was a beggar, drank a lot. In 1974, Schindler died, the ashes of former Nazis moved to Israel, on mount Zion. In the tomb – inscription: "Unforgettable rescuer of 1200 persecuted Jews".

This man could earn the Nazis, hiding in the West. For many years, every day he took a grave risk. Several times he missed the Gestapo, he was able to fight graft. He was a product of the Nazi hell and felt it, like a fish in water. But in 1993, Oscar and Emily of Singlerow Israel was named Righteous among the Nations.

The Schindler once said: "I had to help them. Had no choice".

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