The Israel Museum Photo: The Israel Museum

The Israel Museum is the main national Museum in the country. This underlined his status even location: on a hill in the Givat RAM near the Knesset and the Supreme court. The richest Museum, many of the exhibits are unique.

The idea of the Museum originated in the mid-fifties of the last century, soon after the appearance of the state of Israel. Money for the construction came from the US government and many private donors. The project has created the Israeli architects Alfred Mansfeld and Dora Gad. At the Jerusalem hills rose building-cubes of gray Sandstone, connected by transitions, near – the sculpture Garden (it was developed by the American Isamu Noguchi). In 2010 he completed the reconstruction of the complex, increasing the exhibition area twice.

Now in the Museum more than half a million exhibits, divided into seven thematic sections. Archaeological devoted to the ancient land of Israel, the world's largest collection of local finds. Discovered in the Golan sculptured female figure is almost a quarter of a million years ago and is considered one of the world's oldest works of art. Well-preserved stone mask the age of about 9 thousand years – the earliest in the world of human portraits. Hananiance stone relief depicting playing the lion and lioness (XIV century BC), evidence of the emergence of the genre of "story in pictures".

The archaeological section is adjacent white dome of the Shrine of the Book, priceless dead sea scrolls. In 1947 a Bedouin accidentally discovered in a cave on the shores of the Dead sea several pitchers with ancient scrolls. Studies have shown that they were created from the third century, some of them contains the world's oldest fragments of the old Testament. The scrolls are exhibited in turn, as "tired" from the light, but the Museum in collaboration with Google has digitized them, and they are available in the Network (including unique Great scroll of Isaiah).

Extremely interesting three-dimensional model of Jerusalem in the Second Temple period is located in the open air, it in minute detail plays a blooming Jerusalem to 66 years, the moment of its destruction by the Romans. Created a model in the early sixties businessman Hans Kroch, in memory of their son Jacob, fallen in the battles for independence. Tiny buildings made from local limestone, the same from which is built the real Jerusalem.

A wide and representative section of fine art. It exhibits masterpieces by Rembrandt, Chagall, Pissarro, creations of prominent Jewish artists, works of art of Europe, Africa, the Americas, Oceania. Special attention is paid to Jewish art treasures saved during the Holocaust. This Torah scrolls, entire interiors of synagogues, rare manuscripts, clothing, jewelry.

The Museum is the sculpture Garden, which exhibits the works of Henry Moore, Jacques Lipchitz, Pablo Picasso, Auguste Rodin, and many contemporary artists. The garden, located on a hillside in ancient Jerusalem, is considered one of the world's best exposures of this kind.

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