The Tunnels Of The Western Wall Photo: The Western Wall Tunnels

The tunnels of the Western Wall (in the Anglo-Saxon tradition – the Western wall) – underground structures, stretching for hundreds of meters beneath the Old city. Tunnels allow you to see hidden underground part of the Wall and appreciate the genius of the ancient engineers.

The history of the tunnels dates back to the biblical king Herod in 19 BC undertook an ambitious project: he decided to double the area of the Temple mount. It was necessary for the reconstruction of the Second Temple – as a result of the sanctuary gained unprecedented splendor.

The expansion of the area of the Temple mount became a real feat of engineering. Herod was surrounded uphill retaining wall, composed of five-ton stones (corner weighing several tens of tons). Before to fill the space inside the walls, the ground, the engineers of the king has created a network of arched corridors. The conduit supplying water to the temple mount (the priests-the Levites were scrubbed daily place of sacrifice), has existed since the times of the Hasmoneans, from the II century BC Wall of Herod blocked this channel. He was turned into a reservoir for the soldiers in the fortress of Antonia, then covered the pavement. Now the tank Station, which is really a water, a part of the Western Wall tunnels.

In the year 70 the Romans destroyed Jerusalem, the Wall space was filled with the wreckage of buildings, the ground level rose by several meters. Open left only the part that is now called the Wailing Wall, and it soon became a place of prayer of the Jews for thousands of years. Huge same underground structure for a long time disappeared from human eyes.

In 1864 the British Explorer Charles Wilson found a huge archway in the Wall widths of 12, 8 meters that led into the underground space. Now it is called Wilson arch. After the six day war, when Israel took control of the Old city, archaeologists began to explore the tunnels. The work lasted twenty years. Excavated space reinforced concrete supports.

For tourists open a tunnel with a length of 485 meters. Tickets bought in advance in almost two months, on the phone or on the website of the Wailing Wall, without the accompaniment is not allowed, and tours are only in English or Hebrew. But it is necessary to overcome difficulties, to see amazing things. The largest stone lying at the base of the Wall, weighs more than 500 tons – is still unclear how he got him here. Under the ground are huge Herodian hall, where the assembled crusaders, quarry, with traces of work, a whole street of the Second Temple period. Dedicated areas for prayer near the place where once was the Holy of Holies of the Temple.

Archaeological excavations and plan the opening of the tunnels for tourists at the time caused the sharp protest of the Arabs. However, the second exit from the tunnel was made. Now in the underground space can be down at the Wailing Wall, and go in the Muslim quarter, right on the via Dolorosa.

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