Fort No. 3 Photo: Fort No. 3

The first and the largest fortification of the former walled city of Konigsberg is the Fort №3 named after the Emperor Frederick III. With built in 1879, the Fort began construction of the twelve major defensive structures, included in the Fort zone "Night feather of Koenigsberg". Original name of Fort No. 3 was "Quednau", later the building was given the name of Frederick William I, and in 1894 it was renamed in honour of Frederick III.

Fort No. 3 is an elongated hexagon, surrounded by a dry moat. In the Central building housed the barracks, kitchen, dining room, infirmary, stores of food and ammunition, boiler room and ancillary facilities. On both sides of the buildings are courtyards, servants at the time of transport interchanges. All the rooms of the Fort are connected by tunnels, and between floors - screw and main stairs. Defensive building has underground dungeons with vaulted ceilings made of high-strength (repeatedly annealed) ceramic bricks. The architects of the buildings was provided full support in the form of natural ventilation, water supply, energy supply, Sewerage and heating by the heating channels inside the walls.

During the storming of Koenigsberg (1945) Fort Frederick III received minor injuries in the postwar years was used as a warehouse of ammunition and military equipment. In March 2007, the fortification was granted the status of cultural heritage (regional significance).

Fort No. 3 is considered one of the most well preserved historical view of the fortifications of Kaliningrad. In our days in the Central building historic structure restoration work, and once in the underground casemates researchers have found the exhibits of the Museum "Prussia" (disbanded before the Second world war), in the Fort being excavated. Found objects (over 10 thousand) presented in the exposition of the Museum of history and art.

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