The Bilibin's House (The House Of Shamil) Photo: Bilibin's House (The House Of Shamil)

House G. I. Bilibin or Shamil's house is located in Kaluga, on Pushkin street, 4. The three-story mansion was built in the late 18th - early 19th centuries Ivan Galaktionovich Bilibin project of the provincial architect I. D. yasnygina. The building was on the corner Odigitrievsky street commencing on the homonymous Church. Later the house passed into the possession of his son G. I. Bilibin, a large merchant from St. Petersburg, Vasily Ivanovich Bilibin.

The house in 1848 bought Kaluga judge A. M. Sukhotin. The house had thirteen rooms with luxurious interiors, located on the basis of the corridor system. In the mid-19th century the house was renovated and leased for placement of a prisoner Shamil with his family. April 1, 1859, the Russian troops captured the last stronghold of Shamil, the Imam of Chechnya and Dagestan, the mountain village of Vedeno. October 10, 1859 captured Shamil brought to Kaluga permit. It was an event of exceptional importance. Lithographic portraits of famous prisoner was snatched up like hot cakes. Shamil met the provincial administration and the commandant of the city. The prisoner was temporarily settled on Nikitskaya street in the hotel "Pendant". Filmed by city mansion Sukhotina immediately began repairing the family of Shamil.

Imam moved here in November 1859, in January 1860, he arrived with his family of servants. Shamil could appear in all public places: hospitals, schools, theatre. Shamil was simple in life, moderate in food, in the winter I get up at six o'clock in the summer – four, and prayed for a long time.

In 1866 in Nobility Shamil in a solemn ceremony, swore allegiance to the Russian Tsar, in the fall attended the wedding of Alexander III in St. Petersburg. In November 1868 Shamil moved to Kiev, then went to Mecca, where he died in 1871.

The house on Pushkin street residents of Kaluga forever linked with the name of Shamil, despite the fact that in the building before the revolution, was located three-class urban school of a name of brothers Malatiny.

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