Koryakskiy reserve Photo: Koryakskiy reserve

Koryakskiy reserve state natural reserve, located in the Northern part of the Kamchatka Peninsula. The total area of the reserve is more than 327 hectares. Koryak state natural reserve is a conservation, research and eco-educational institution of Federal importance.

The nature reserve was founded in December 1995 an Active part in its establishment was the world Wildlife Fund (WWF). The main purpose of its creation was the protection of places of mass migration and nesting of various species of waterfowl, protecting the marine and coastal ecosystems of the southern Bering sea, and the whole complex ecosystem of the Northern part of the Kamchatka Peninsula.

The reserve consists of two sections - the Goven Peninsula and Parapolsky of dollars. The area of the first area is approximately 151 thousand hectares, and the second more than 176 thousand ha. Plot "Gavanski within Elginskogo ridge, characterized by steep slopes, rocky steep walls, sharp ridges and peaks. The territory of this area is washed by the Olyutorsky Bay and the Gulf of Kerkyra, which belong to the basin of the Bering sea. As for the plot "Parapolsky", it stretches along a vast lowland, wetland and dissected by broad river valleys.

On the territory of Koryak reserve is home to 35 species of mammals. Here you can find a brown bear, hare, Fox, bighorn sheep, Wolverine, weasel, wolf, sable, ermine, and so on. From the birds are nesting white-tailed eagle, Sandpiper, Lopatin, Merlin, whooper swans, peregrine and Steller's sea eagle. In these waters there are more than 20 species of fish, including the most common, Siberian whitefish, pike, pagan, broad whitefish, humpback and Penzhina Cisco.

Vegetation Koryaksky nature reserve is more consistent bezengiyskoe forest-tundra. The river valley occupied by Osaka-pulickal tundra and forests, Alpine tundra and subalpine belt creeping shrubs.

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