Alexander Nevsky Cathedral Photo: Alexander Nevsky Cathedral

The Alexander Nevsky Cathedral is an Orthodox Cathedral located in the city of Kamianets-Podilskyi, made in neo-Byzantine style. The temple was founded for the 100th anniversary of the accession of Podolia to Russia in 1893. It was built on folk remedies. Bookmark the Church occurred on may 2, 1891, and in 1897, the Cathedral was consecrated.

The construction of the Cathedral, the magnificent painting the walls, buy cult accessories – all cost more than a hundred thousand. In the Church was equipped with steam heating. This new temple was just struck by all the parishioners for their sophistication - it was made by Moscow master Agapkina bunk iconostasis, covered with gold. Silver and gold shimmered in all the Cathedral. Especially was beautiful and refined dishes, the gospel and the cross itself, which was donated to the Church by the Empress Alexandra Feodorovna, wife of Nicholas II. All the walls of the Church were fully painted, the floor is decorated with patterns, and in the middle of it lay a huge expensive carpet, decorated with artistic embroidery, which was donated to the local women's Church gymnasium.

This Cathedral was struck by its grandeur and was one of the most beautiful temples in Kamenetz-Podolsk. He had a huge main dome and four side polypoly and a small bell tower above the Western entrance. The main altar was dedicated to St. Alexander Nevsky, in memory of Alexander the Third. And South of the altar was named in honor of St. Catherine. The Northern altar bore the name of St. Nicholas.

Unfortunately, in 1936 the Church was blown up by militant atheists and stripped down to the brick. In 2000, the Cathedral was completely restored thanks to the donations of citizens and again became one of the most beautiful sights of the city of Kamenetz-Podolsk.

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