The Temple Of Eiheiji Photo: The Temple Of Eiheiji

Of eiheiji – a large temple complex, in which about fifty 250 monks and novices in Spartan conditions comprehend the art of meditation and Zen philosophy. To get to the monastery is possible by prior arrangement on the rights of the novice. And visitors must adhere to strict rules regarding appearance and clothing, as well as photography.

The temple is located away from the temptations of the civilized world, in the mountains region Echizen in Fukui Prefecture. In the monastery there are no heating and electricity, the monks eat simple foods, keep the vow of silence and in the order have only two mats: tatami - for sleeping and eating, zazen – meditation. When all voluntary privations monks should maintain an atmosphere of humility and friendliness.

Of eiheiji is the main Buddhist temple of the Soto school, the largest in Japan and founded in the VII century. From China this teaching was brought by the founder of the temple Eihei Dogen. The Church was founded in 1243. The ashes of the founder and a monument to him are in the hall of Joedan. Dogana revered as a living Teacher and daily brought him food.

Of eiheiji is also the educational center of the Soto school. Preparation of the priest of Eiheiji in lasts from three months to two years of practicing Zen at the monastery.

Although the XV-XVI centuries the temple several times suffered severely from fire, including from arson and other schools, today in the temple complex there are about 70 of the buildings on the hillside and connected by covered passages. The name of Eiheiji translates as "Temple of eternal peace".

In the hall Butsudan statues of three Buddhas patrons, past, present and future. To the national heritage related bronze temple bell, cast in 1327, but also a number of manuscripts. The temple also has a special room for visitors-Amateurs in matters of Zen.

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