Museum of the Ninth Fort Photo: Museum of the Ninth Fort

The ninth Fort is a one of the FORTS of Kaunas fortress, located in the North of Kaunas. In the Soviet years was transformed into a prison and a place of temporary location of convicted citizens on the route to the places of their captivity. During the great Patriotic war in the fortress by the Nazis was built concentration camp, where there were mass executions of Soviet prisoners of war, Jews and other prisoners. Currently this place is a Museum in memory of the many victims.

By the end of the nineteenth century Kaunas was strengthened and by 1890, surrounded by eight FORTS and nine batteries of artillery. The construction of the IX Fort or Large Fort at the farm Compe" was started in 1902. Finished construction by the beginning of the First world war. In 1924, the Ninth Fort was in the Ministry of Internal Affairs and was used as the Kaunas city jail. However, its defensive function in the event of war was preserved.

In the years 1940-1941, the Ninth Fort was used by representatives of the NKVD for the temporary accommodation of political prisoners on the way to the Siberian Gulag camps. During the Second world war IX Fort was the site of mass executions of people. With terrible times it is called the "Fort of Death". After the war the Fort for some time was used as a place of detention. Since 1948 for 10 years, the Fort was given to agricultural organizations.

In 1958, in the ninth Fort Museum was founded (eng. – Museum of the Ninth fort). In 1959, the four chambers of the Fort was prepared the first exhibition on the crimes of Hitler during the great Patriotic war on Lithuanian territory. In 1960, studies were organized mass murders, are the exhibits added to the Museum. In 1965, the Museum has had the second exposure.

Near the ancient ninth Fort was built the Museum with metal gates and buildings in the original style. In 1984, opened the exhibition in the new Museum. In the same year on the territory of the IX Fort was erected a monument to Holocaust victims who were tortured and murdered in the camps. Sculpture height of 32 meters, was created by sculptor A. Abrasions.

The place where it was produced a mass grave of victims of the camp, marked by a simple memorial of wood, where you can see the tag, which in several languages written: "the Nazis with their collaborators killed more than 30,000 Jews from Lithuania and other countries of Europe." It was opened in 1991.

Currently in the Museum you can see exhibits on Soviet years and times of the great Patriotic war, when the Museum hosted a concentration camp. Also here are the information about the early years of the Ninth Fort.

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