Lake Chott El Djerid is not a lake in the conventional sense. Its surface is covered with a thick salt crust, which can bear a vehicle. But sometimes hidden under a crust swampy ooze, dangerous to careless motorists. However, in well-studied areas on the smooth surface of salt marshes here are other high-speed cars-race cars. The record is 900 km/h.

Across the lake there is a road to Tozeur. Fantastic picture opens on both sides of the highway, which runs through the endless gleaming salt space. On the invisible horizon line of the sky merges with the earth because of what the impression of movement through a huge elliptical tunnel, illuminated by dim light coming from ashy-grey on the bottom in blue at the top. The visibility here can drop to 50 - 60 meters.

Kebili is often called the land of Fata Morgana. When the temperature rises above 30 degrees, on the surface of the lake begin to appear mirages. However, the air must be clean enough. Fine grains of sand raised by the wind, can prevent the occurrence of this amazing spectacle.

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