The Church Of The Dormition Photo: Church Of The Dormition

The Church of the Dormition is one of the oldest churches in the city of Kerch. Church appeared in 1907, thanks to the efforts of who came from a merchant family, A.V. Novikov, who donated the city own the land for the construction of the temple.

The project of the Cathedral was designed by architect A. I. Carpetwin. He planned to build on the open prominence a large stone Church with wooden arches. In early August, 1905, a solemn consecration of the construction site. This Cathedral was built with funds from the city Treasury, as well as donations of local residents. Supervised the construction work military engineer captain G. I. Lagorio.

Two years later a beautiful white temple, shaped like a ship, has become a real decoration of the Old Quarantine. The Church was topped by five domes and had a modest interior with a wood carved iconostasis. From the porch, the bell tower led helical staircase.

The exact date of the consecration of the temple is unknown, it is assumed that the Church of the ascension of Christ was consecrated on 15 February 1907, After the consecration of the Church was assigned to the Kerch Alexander Nevsky Cathedral.

After the arrival of Soviet power the Church of the ascension of Christ, like many other churches, was closed, and then seized all the Church property, and the building converted to a club fishermen. During the first occupation of Kerch fascist invaders in 1941 in the chancel of the former Church gave the stable. In 1943, the congregation led the Church in order, and consecrated it to the memory of the Dormition of the Mother of God.

After the liberation of Kerch Shrine is not closed, although the struggle for power continued. From 1946 to 1953 in the Dormition Church was replaced by 11 priests. In may 1953, the rector of the Church was appointed priest Ioasaf Kraplin, thanks to which began the revival of the temple.

Today the Church of the assumption of our lady with its beauty pleases all residents of Kerch. The Church opened a children's Sunday school.

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