The Church Of The Exaltation Of The Cross Photo: Church Of The Exaltation Of The Cross

The Church of the Holy cross in Kislovodsk is unique in its structure throughout the country. It's practically the only temple whose construction started in the Soviet Union, and not recreated on the site of the old destroyed. The temple was built in 80-ies of the 20 century and dedicated to the celebration of the Millennium of the baptism of Rus.

The construction of the temple was carried out under the guidance of father Sergius Limanowa, who acted as architect. In 1987 the Church was consecrated Archbishop Anthony (Zavgorodnyaya). With his active assistance nevertheless managed to complete the construction of the temple, as many party members have spoken out against it. He gave the Church gilded crosses and vestments to the throne, which are still kept in the temple as one of the relics. The Church has three altars - Central, consecrated in honor of the exaltation of the cross, and two lateral, which is dedicated to St. Nicholas the Saint and great Martyr and Healer Panteleimon. Painting of the Church for ten years spent an artist from Moscow – Nikolay Ivanovich Barazenka. The iconostasis was made by the Novosibirsk masters.

The Church of the Holy cross in Kislovodsk is one of the largest and most visited temples in the city, there are regular services are held. Many parishioners come from other cities to touch the main Shrine of the temple - the Miraculous icon of the Mother of God, Saint Nicholas and the miracle-working icon of the Holy great Martyr and healer Panteleimon and the Holy relics. The Church is the baptismal Church of Saints apostles Emperor Constantine and the Empress Helena.

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