Marcial water Photo: Marcial water

About the healing power of nature Karelia since ancient times there are legends, that's why from year to year, it welcomes thousands of tourists. And in the heart of Karelia is the largest in Russia mud and balneological resort Marcial waters. This is an amazing place in the Republic of Karelia is situated not far from Petrozavodsk.

The town has its origins in 1714, when Molodoy worker Reboun Ivan discovered the healing power. For many years he complained of poor health and heart pain, but after 3 days he drank water from the spring, his health improved and the pain began to leave. Ryabev reported about the healing source-the Manager of the factory where he worked and it heralded the emergence of the first resort in Russia. Later Ivan Ryabev in 1720 was exempt from taxes and involuntary servitude, and Genin awarded for mine healing waters. In December 1717 to study the medicinal waters went Laurentius A. L. Blumentrost, later to become the President of the Russian Academy of Sciences. Blumentrost conducted a study on the chemical composition of worker source. Research on patients in the beginning of 1718 by a doctor Anthony Ravelin (Ravenel, who previously worked in the capital, a military hospital. In his group of patients mainly consisted of soldiers Olonets battalion, the results were considered positive.

In February of 1718 for treatment in the Marcial waters plans to leave Peter on his arrival Genin starts to build wooden Palace close to the source. The building was constructed in U-shaped facade in front of the source to patients when receiving water is not coming out from the room. The Palace and the tent over the source connected through a covered gallery.

Peter I came for treatment a year after the scheduled time - in early 1719. The king stayed at the resort from 28 January to 16 February, he almost always was accompanied by Catherine,. Encouraged by its first trip to the Marcial waters Peter the great issued a document on the special rules of treatment: "the Announcement of lakitelek waters, Susannah on the Olonets, and from what disease, and how Tom used to do that doktorske definition. Also the decree of His Imperial Majesty to discharge the same Doktorska rules". This document was issued on March 20, 1719, and was the first Tsar about Olonets mineral waters. That is why it is believed that on 20 March 1719 is the birthday of the resort Marcial waters. Peter I went to the Spa four times in 1719, 1720, 1722 and last time in 1724. In total, Peter the Great stayed at the Marcial waters more than 90 days.

In 1721, on the Marcial waters was built the Church of the Apostle Peter, this architectural monument preserved to our days. The Church was built in domed, cruciform plan of pine lumber. The main decoration of the Church is bunk order the iconostasis, consisting of festive and local ranks. Most of the icons in the temple iconography reflects the Western European tradition.

The resort Marcial waters in the valley of lake Habanero, and it is famous for its natural wealth and bestows healing mud and mineral waters. A special microclimate in the valley is created by close proximity to the healing ferrous sulphate-bicarbonate sources and superlevy silt sulfide mud.

Repeatedly carried out a study of water Marcial sources. The comparison of the results of the 18th and the 20th century confirmed that the chemical composition of Marcial waters permanent. The main value of Marcial waters imprisoned in the concentration of divalent (active) iron. The amount in Marcial waters is much higher than in the glandular sources other resorts in Russia and abroad. Marcial water passing through the deposits of shungite, naturally cleaned and in addition to iron contains magnesium, calcium, manganese and sodium.

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