The Plane Tree Of Hippocrates Photo: The Plane Tree Of Hippocrates

KOs island is one of the most famous and popular Greek Islands. Gorgeous beaches, rich history and lots of interesting attractions annually attract thousands of tourists from all over the world.

The island of KOs is inextricably linked and the name of such legendary figures as Hippocrates. It is KOs is the birthplace of this great Greek physician, known in history as the "father of medicine". The famous "Hippocratic Oath", formulating basic ethical principles of conduct of a physician, is not only an old tradition, but also a kind of "code of honor" every health care worker.

It is not surprising that one of the main attractions and the symbol of the island of KOs is the so-called plane tree of Hippocrates. Huge centuries-old plane tree can be seen in the heart of the capital of the island, the plane Trees in the square, near the entrance to the famous Castle of knights and a Turkish mosque, built in 1776 by the decree of the Ottoman Pasha Gazi Hassan. According to legend, the tree here was planted by Hippocrates, and under its spreading crown the great physician worked and taught his disciples. However, the tree you see today, only a descendant of the legendary sycamore, planted the famous physician, Hippocrates still lived in 5-4 centuries BC, and the age of "modern tree" only about 500 years.

The diameter of the spreading crown of the famous plane tree is approximately 12 m and it is the largest plane tree in Europe. Given the advanced age of the tree and thoroughly damaged the trunk, to support heavy branches were equipped with special metal structures.

Seeds and cuttings of this legendary tree were distributed worldwide. His descendants can be seen today next to the National library of medicine (Bethesda, Maryland), in the Scottish University of Glasgow, Yale University, the University of Sydney, etc.

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