Drama theatre named after A. N. Ostrovsky Museum of theatrical and costume Photo: the Drama theatre named after A. N. Ostrovsky Museum of theatrical and costume

One of the most famous and notable institutions of the city of Kostroma became the Museum of theatrical costume. Judging by the Museum from the point of view of the duration of his work, it is important to say that he is quite young, because the opening was held in the summer on August 29, 2010. Despite its "youth", the Museum is the only of its kind in Russia, the entire exhibition is entirely devoted to theatrical costume. The Museum building is in a house located on the street Simanovsky, where all my childhood spent Fyodor Grigorievich Volkov – resident of the city of Kostroma, as well as the founder of the Russian national theatre.

As you know, the Kostroma state drama theatre named after A. N. Ostrovsky is one of the oldest on the territory of Russia. It is located on Prospekt Mira, house 9. The theatre was opened in 1808.

In mid-1812 from Moscow to Kostroma arrived at the Imperial theatre of Moscow, which had a great influence on the repertoire of the new theatre, influencing the culture of the entire city. The building was built in 1863 and is still preserved in fairly good condition, virtually unchanged. It was an excellent example of traditional classical architecture together with the outstanding buildings of Kostroma – house Borschyov and a Fire tower.

For many years in theatrical performances was attended by eminent actors, including: Maria Ermolaeva, Mikhail Shchepkin, Valentina Fedotova.

In the beginning of 1854 were staged the play by Ostrovsky, what was a significant event, because the works of this playwright was first presented on the stage. Because of this, it was decided to name the theater after A. N. Ostrovsky.

In 1967, on the opposite side from the main entrance was placed the bust of a prominent playwright, the main sculptor of which was N. E. Sarkisov (formerly the bust was near the estate Museum of Ostrovsky in the village shelukovo).

In 1983 drama theatre of the city of Kostroma was awarded the order of the red banner of Labor, and in 1999 he was awarded the state title.

Among the artists it is worth noting: Dolgosheeva Stanislaus, Victor Pozdnyakov, Yurieva Gennady, Olga Mykhaylychenko, Nosyreva Antonina, Nozdrin Tatiana, Inshakov Natalia, Marino Nina, Kirpicheva Alexander and many other prominent actors.

To the eminent works of drama theater performances are: "Fancy" by Ostrovsky, "hamlet" by William Shakespeare, "the Unusuals" A. P. Chekhov, "Freeloader" I. S. Turgenev, "Castle in Sweden" françoise Sagan and a few others.

Acting in the Museum exposition is located on the first floor, occupying it completely. She is dedicated to the famous works of the playwright Ostrovsky, in whose honor was named the drama theatre in the city of Kostroma. The exhibition is on display visitors 15 different costumes used in productions by the same names works Ostrovsky – "Not a penny, but suddenly hit the jackpot", "Forest", "any wise man stumbles", "warm heart", "the Last victim". In addition, the exhibition includes photographs and sketches of these performances. It is worth noting that the oldest costume outfit was made in 1963, which is in excellent condition has been preserved.

Currently the Museum is undergoing renovation and construction work, after which there will be presented new exhibitions on the second floor and in the basement. Fruitful work continues on the new exhibition, which is entirely devoted to Fyodor Volkov. The plans of the Museum is the idea of the installation life actors behind the scenes and on the stage. In addition, it is planned to equip the auditorium of the 19th century.

In the collections of the Kostroma Museum of costume has more than 12 thousand a variety of costumes, including outfits of the Mary Stuart, Ivan the terrible, Anna Karenina and other most popular and famous characters. For the purpose of showing visitors the greatest number of costumes planned, in addition to the permanent exhibition, conduct thematic temporary exhibitions.

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