Museum Photo: Museum "Forest song" in Skupine

Museum "Forest song" is close to the forest of the village of Volyn Skuline, which is located 16 kilometres North-East of Kovel. In these parts very often as a child visited the famous Ukrainian poetess Lesya Ukrainka. It was here in 1884, spending the summer months visiting uncle Leo, she heard different Volyn legends about the fabulous inhabitants of Polesie thickets (mavko, mermaids and goblins), which inspired her to create beautiful works of literature. Nearby, 8 miles from Skulina, is a nature reserve of national importance - tract Nechymne, which was described by L. Ukrainka in the popular poem "Forest song".

In the period of the late Soviet Union admirers of L. Ukrainka built a modest house in the tract Nechymne close to the lake. But after some time the house burnt down, leading to him footpaths are overgrown with shrubs. For a long time, this so-called "Lessin" the woodland area was virtually inaccessible to tourists due to the terrain and swamps. And only in 2004 on the initiative of Kovel district administration to the tract Nechymne road was paved with a hard surface and a small "stage" on which in subsequent years was conducted poetry festivals "Forest song". After, in the place where once was located the house of his uncle Leo, foresters built a two-storey wooden house, which in August 2004 on one of the poetic celebrations of the Museum was opened "Forest song", the exhibits for which were collected with the help of the workers Coldairintake literary-memorial Museum of L. Ukrainka.

Today in a small Museum house contains books, photographs, documents and letters, through which you can learn more detail about the magic corner of Volhynia, as well as about the interesting history of writing drama extravaganza L. Ukrainka's "Lisova Pisnia".

Tourist infrastructure in the village Skuline not developed, however, the road leading to the reserve is signposted.

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Museum "Forest song" in Skupine