St. John The Baptist Photo: Cathedral Of St. John The Baptist

Cathedral of St. John the Baptist Catholic Cathedral in the Irish city of Limerick. St. John the Baptist was built in the second half of the 19th century on the site of the old chapel of St. John (1753). Originally it was planned the construction of a relatively small parish Church, but in the process of raising funds was that the project budget has increased significantly and it was decided to build a temple that will become the new Cathedral of the diocese. Engineered building of the Cathedral renowned English architect Philip Charles Hardwick.

The first stone in the Foundation of the Church was laid in may, 1856, and after almost three years in the still unfinished Church held its first service. Fully open to the public, the Cathedral was in July 1861, although by this time the construction work was still going on, impressive refinement and demanded the interior of the temple. The tower of the Cathedral was designed separately, and its construction was completed in 1882. But in 1883 in Limerick from Dublin was delivered to bell, weighing half a ton, specially cast for the Cathedral of St. John the Baptist. Lit the Cathedral was only in 1894, and officially the status of "Cathedral" was altogether in January 1912, in accordance with the decree of Pope Pius X.

Cathedral of St. John the Baptist built of blue limericks limestone and represents a huge impressive building in neo-Gothic style in architecture which clearly shows the influence of the famous Salisbury Cathedral. The height of the tower along with her crowning spire is 93 m and is the tallest building in Limerick, and the tallest religious building in Ireland. Very striking and the interior of the temple. Special attention will undoubtedly deserve a luxurious stained glass Windows and numerous statues and sculptures of the Cathedral.

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