The Palace of Peter III Photo: the Palace of Peter III

The Palace was erected on the territory of funny fortress of Peter Stadt. The outlines of the fortress resembled mnogokonechnoy star that formed the ramparts. The fortress was surrounded by a deep moat with 3 drawbridges, on 5 its bastions were mounted guns. It consisted of buildings for various purposes: the commandant's house, barracks for the soldiers, officers and generals, brig, Arsenal, powder magazine, a small Lutheran Church. In the center of the fortress was the Arsenal yard, representing a 5-tiugolnoy Platz, on the territory of which it was possible to get through the gates. The Lower pond had a fleet of galleys, frigates, submarines. The garrison of the fortress consisted of a detachment of soldiers discharged from Germany.

Near the fortress there was an Italian garden with bridges, stairs, terraces, gazebos, waterfalls, fountains. All the wooden buildings of the fortress and the garden was dismantled in the early nineteenth century.

Currently from Peterstadt remained only the Palace of Peter III, the entrance gate, the remains of a moat and ramparts. From the initial planning of the Park was nothing left. In 1952-1953, this area has undergone renovation: around the Palace appeared 3 flower garden, new tracks, on the lawns of marble sculpture.

The appearance of the Palace of Peter III conquers simplicity and elegance. The peculiar nature of the composition, the elegance of the decor, the amazing transparent proportions be attributed to the most perfect works of Russian architecture of the XVIII century.

In the rooms of the first floor in the eighteenth century was located utility room with no decor. Now they – the exposition tells about the history of the Palace and Park complex in the town of Lomonosov.

Six small rooms on the second floor – Front, Picture hall, pantry, Cabinet, Boudoir, Bedroom, have a decorative design in the nature of a truly palatial rooms: fine carving, magnificent sculpture, amazing painting on lacquer, fabrics, paintings, inlaid parquet floors perfectly used in their decoration.

Drawing room – the main room of the Palace. In the XVIII century tapestry in hanging was 58 paintings. From each other they were separated by a narrow silver frames. This tapestry hanging created by the project of A. Rinaldi) architect J. Staehelin and artist K. Pfanzelt. But in 1784 by order of Catherine II, much of the art was transferred to the Academy of fine arts. Tapestry hanging destroyed, and it was reconstructed only in 1961-1962 years from drawings found in the archives. Now wall Art decorate the hall 63 paintings, of paintings by Western European artists of the XVII-XVIII centuries, Flemish, Italian, German, Dutch schools.

Painting on varnish in the Picture hall, Study and Bedroom are a unique kind of decoration. The author is a Russian serf, "lakernik maker" Fedor Vlasov. Paintings made in the style of Chinese decorative arts. 218 songs – on the doors, panels, door and window jambs of the Palace. This is a touching, naive fantasy on a Chinese theme, in which Russian master "invested" their own sense of a distant and mysterious country for him. Lacquer painting and tapestry hanging were restored by artists-restorers A. B. Vasilieva, R. P. Custom, B. N. Pugovkin, B. N. Kosenkova and others.

Also attracts the attention and stucco decoration of the ceilings of the Palace. Of particular interest is preserved modeling Boudoir.

Inside the Palace you can see the gorgeous furniture designs of the eighteenth century, made by Russian and Western European masters, and porcelain products.

The Palace of Peter III – the first extant structure A. Rinaldi. It is already traced the creative architect who has developed in his subsequent works, which identified him as the great master of the style of early classicism and Rococo.

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