A monument to the captain of the Photo: the monument to the captain of the "Mayflower" Christopher Jones

The monument to captain Christopher Jones stands in the Church yard of St. Mary the virgin in Rotherhithe, where the sailor had finished their days. In the hands of John's child, the captain turned back – he looks at the English shore, which still came back. A child looks forward to where the ocean lies the coveted America.

Christopher Jones was the captain of the "Mayflower", a merchant ship hired by a group of English puritans for their shipment from Europe to America, away from the persecution of king James I. a Deeply religious people, the puritans tried to create an underground Church in York County, then fled in tolerant Holland. Acclimated them here is not possible, then the idea of moving to a New Light.

A journey of hundreds of people across the ocean had a difficult and very expensive. The puritans signed bonded contract with the Virginia company: the funds transfer on the terms of long working off of loans already in America. From Southampton the pilgrims (as they were called later) went on two ships, but the smaller one is leaking. On a voyage across the ocean took on the "Mayflower", which has taken on Board all the passengers and cargo. He commanded them Christopher Jones, an experienced captain and a very successful, wealthy merchant.

The two-month voyage was extremely difficult. The approaching winter storms. Two pilgrims died on the way (but one, Oceanus Hopkins, was born). Winds dismissed the ship's course to the North. On November 21, 1620 Christopher Jones dropped anchor off the American coast. And passengers, and sailors was seriously ill – for many of them that winter was the last. The rest was built from scratch the house, found a common language with the Indians, survived and marked the beginning of a new nation. "Mayflower" was waiting in the Harbor until April, when captain Jones headed for England.

Reversed rate took only a month. 5 may 1621 Christopher Jones stepped on the land of Rotherhithe. In the summer he resumed commercial flights on the "Mayflower", but after health America the captain wasn't the same, and a year later he died at the age of 52 years. A man died, true to his word and fulfilled their obligations in spite of everything.

Books of the parish of St. Mary the virgin is said that Christopher Jones is buried in the churchyard. Without a doubt, this is the right place for the repose of the honest captain: Church many threads associated with the sea, even the chair of the Bishop is made here from boards with warship "Fighting Camrea, who participated in the battle of Trafalgar.

The grave of captain lost in 1715, during the restoration of the Church. In 1995 to commemorate the 275th anniversary of the sailing of the "Mayflower" was installed sculpture by Jamie Sargeant (if you enter the Church yard of St. Mary-Church street, the monument is easy to see – he stands to the left of the temple). In the same year the Church has placed a commemorative plaque, reminiscent of the courageous captain Christopher Jones and the Mayflower".

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