Tower Photo: The Tower "Oxo"

Tower "Oxo", standing on the South Bank of the Thames near Blackfriars bridge, clearly visible from opposite Victoria embankment. This building looks unusual – a red-brick façade overlooking the river Thames and the tower of light gray color with a strange Windows look like two different buildings. The history of the building is also unusual.

Initially there was a power plant built in the late nineteenth century to the post office. Later the building was purchased by "Meat extract Liebig". This product, which is a beef broth, thickened to the consistency of the extract (hundred percent natural, no additives except salt), was developed by the German chemist Baron Justus von Libya in the forties of the nineteenth century. One of the greatest chemists founded the company that produced the world's first stock cubes. In 1899, after the death of Liebig, the innovative product was called "Oxo".

The power station building was rebuilt in the art Deco style by architect albert Moore – a lot has been demolished but the facade facing the river, was preserved and expanded. The company dreamed of a high tower, which will Shine the name of bouillon cubes, but such advertising was not allowed. Then Moore made four-sided tower, on each side of which were vertically are three Windows. These Windows were in the shape of a circle, a cross and a circle, and together they were the very word "Oxo" (in English-Oxo). To classify the window as advertisement was impossible ("This is a basic geometric shape," explained Moore), and soon they were already shining around the clock.

The building, known as Stenfordsky the pier was used for processing, packaging and cold storage. Meat was delivered by barges loading area still visible on the shore). However, by 1970, the pier stood abandoned. Finally the tower and surrounding land was bought by the organization "coin street community builders, responsible for the development of the South Bank.

More than five hectares of desolation turned into a quarter where there are residential buildings, shops, and restaurants, and sports facilities, and the path along the river. The tower has also changed: a carefully restored building now includes seven floors of shops, galleries, and apartments, and on the eighth terrace, there is a restaurant with beautiful views of London. Downstairs cozy white lilac blooms, while the top is still shining in the window, involuntarily advertising cubes "Oxo" (the company still exists).

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