Valley of the Queens in Thebes Photo: Valley of the Queens in Thebes

Valley of the Queens is located southwest of the Valley of the kings. Here lies many wives and children of the pharaohs. Half of the 79 tombs have not yet been identified. At the same time to visit is open only a few.

The most famous tomb of Queen Nefertari, favorite wife of Ramesses II. The walls of the tomb are decorated with images of the Queen in the company of various gods. The burial chamber with 4 columns painted scenes from the Book of the dead. Was recently completed restoration of the tombs, so visitors here is strictly limited.

Amazingly colorful paintings preserved in the tomb of titi. On the walls of the burial chamber you can see the image of the goddess Hathor as a cow on a background of mountain scenery and in her human form, quickening the Queen in the waters of the Nile.

In the tomb of Prince Longerhave preserved colorful mural with a predominance of the color ultramarine, depicting the Pharaoh, accompanying his young son to the gods of the underworld. Here was found a small mummy of a five-month baby.

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