The Chapel Of Saint George Photo: The Chapel Of Saint George

On the banks of the river Antomy, namely in the village of Ust-andama, fenced with huge boulders and large trees, stands St. George's Church. The chapel is located on the headland right by the lake. If you look at the chapel from afar, then immediately struck by its grandeur and the dominant position, especially in comparison with located next to her tall fir trees over vast areas. St. George Church was built in the 17th and 18th centuries in the farthest part of the Peninsula in order that it could be seen from the lake. After completion of the construction, the chapel was consecrated and named it in honor of St. George. Near the Church is a small ancient cemetery.

One of the distinguishing features of the chapel of St. George is a high-steepled belfry, which further emphasizes the majestic become the entire structure. This peculiarity in the construction of churches was characteristic of all Church buildings in the southern part zaonezhskoe Peninsula. Moreover, such belfry can be found in the chapels, which are located in Tampico on Raven's island. As mentioned, this kind of feature is due to the desire of the local population to make the Church a landmark that could be seen from the vast expanse of the whole of lake Onega. For example, to a fisherman returning home, I was able to determine his village on the location of the high tent of the village's Church bell tower. At the location of the Church had to comply with the frame of the bell tower, separated from the Church of the framework.

Belfry has been cut down in the first half of the 19th century. Another important feature of this Church is its unity and reunification with the rectangular shape of the chapel. To enter the chapel, you can only passing through the bell tower, which is adjacent to a small porch.

At the entrance to Ust-Adamski the churchyard you can see a small and particularly moving gate, which is decorated with various kinds of carved boards and high roof. The gate location is necessary so that they are lined up at a slight angle to the axis of the chapel, to be able to see some portion of the cemetery and adjoining porch. With this method, a gate carry a unifying feature of the cemetery and St George's chapel in one common and unified ensemble, each element of which can not be independently. The gate of the chapel, located under a gable roof "escorted" to the front porch with a flat roof over the steps. Playground porch fully covered with a gable roof.

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