National Park Photo: national Park "Dandenong"

National Park "Dandenong" is located in the eponymous mountain range an hour's drive from Melbourne. On weekends, families come here to residents of all surrounding towns, because it is one of the most popular holiday destinations in Victoria. Incidentally, it is also one of the four places in Australia where you can see giant eucalyptus, which is up to 150 meters (! ) in height, being the tallest flower plants in the world.

Scientists believe that there are about 100 million years ago appeared the first jungle. And the remnants of this ancient forest – tree ferns - can be seen today. A particularly strong impression this Jurassic forest produces, if you drive it on the famous Puffing Billy" directly under the canopy of eucalyptus trees-giants.

For thousands of years in the mountain ridge of the Dandenong aboriginal tribes lived bunurong and wowerror. Then the area became an important source of woody resources for a growing Melbourne. Already in the late 19th century, there were the roads and the railway line, then started coming here the first tourists. In 1882, Fern hollow, which was declared a protected natural area, but the national Park was created only a hundred years later – in 1987.

The national Park is divided into several zones, each of which has its own unique flavor. For example, in the Sherbrooke forest, you can hand feed colorful parrots and see Australian mirohost. In Fern hollow in the South-Western part of the Park is the so-called "Trail of a Thousand Steps leading to the Top of One Tree. To climb this very steep trail, you need to climb up about 700 steps, which serve as a reminder of the battle of Cocody in the territory of Papua during the Second World war. In the tourist village of Sassafras in the heart of the Park you can enjoy a Cup of amazingly delicious tea and buy Souvenirs. And from the lookout on top of mount Dandenong in the woods Dongala you can admire the panorama of Melbourne.

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