The OSPEDALE Maggiore Photo: The OSPEDALE Maggiore

The OSPEDALE Maggiore, traditionally named CA Grande, is a building in the centre of Milan, built to accommodate one of the first public hospitals. The customer of construction in 1456 was made by Francesco Sforza, and worked on the project of the architect Antonio filarete. The building itself is one of the first examples of Renaissance architecture in Lombardy. Today at the OSPEDALE Maggiore is the state University of Milan, but inside you can still see the traces of the past "medical" purposes.

As mentioned above, the project of the hospital worked with renowned architect filarete and the building engineer was engaged Guiniforte Solari contributed also to the erection of the monastery complex of the Certosa di Pavia. Above the cloisters and their decoration worked Giovanni Antonio Amadeo, the pupil and son-in-law Solari.

Initially, the OSPEDALE Maggiore was intended as a hospital for the poor, but to receive treatment there was almost any. And over time, the hospital became a center for medical life Milan. At the beginning of the 20th century, it was decided that the hospital should be moved to a new location in the channel. This move coincided with the founding of the University of Milan, who took over the building of the Ka Grande. In the future the composition of the OSPEDALE Maggiore entered the hospital San Carlo Borromeo di Milano and Sesto San Giovanni.

Today in the historical archives of the hospital there is an interesting exhibit. In the early 19th century the Milanese Carlo Ignazio Busk brought to Milan Egyptian mummy in the sarcophagus and papyrus. Mummy now kept in the Castello Sforzesco, but the papyrus can be seen in the OSPEDALE Maggiore. However, the original is not available for viewing, but you can see its digital reproduction. Ancient Egyptian papyrus reproduces the famous Book of the Dead — a collection of hymns and religious texts intended to help the dead to overcome the dangers of the underworld. According to scientists, this collection was created in Thebes in 14-13-th centuries BC

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