Chamber music Opera. B. A. Pokrovsky Photo: Chamber music Opera. B. A. Pokrovsky

Chamber music Opera. B. A. Pokrovsky, or Moscow state academic Chamber music theatre. B. A. Pokrovsky, is one of the popular and world-known Russian musical theaters. It is located on Nikolskaya street and is located in the building where once stood the famous restaurant complex "Slavic Bazaar".

The history of theatre tells himself Pokrovsky in his book "My life – stage. In Moscow it was decided to reform a small Opera company, touring around the country with Frank "hack". Was invited as the chief Director of the Bolshoi Theatre Boris Pokrovsky. He wrote and directed the troupe's performance. Most artists "dropped out". There was a small group that could only be a chamber ensemble.

At this time the young composer Shchedrin wrote a little Opera "Not only love". This little masterpiece was rehearsed chamber music. The performance was on the stage of drama theatre of Stanislavsky and Nemirovich-Danchenko. It was a great success. So in 1972, he was born Moscow chamber musical theatre.

When in 1972 he founded the Chamber music theatre, he has no office. The performances took place at different scenes. At this time appeared the productions of "Much ADO over....hearts" Khrennikov, "the Falcon of Federigo degli Alberighi" Bortnikova. In 1974, the theatre finally received a permanent place - a small cellar on the Falcon. A large role was played by the support of the composers Shostakovich and Khrennikov. Increased the troupe. It came from young artists, graduates of GITIS., former students of the acting course, which was led by Boris Pokrovsky. In 1974, the theatre hosted the premiere of an Opera "the Nose" by Shostakovich. This performance has been a hallmark of the theatre.

For many years this house was the country's only laboratory where he worked on a contemporary Opera. Here the Opera was first performed contemporary composers "the Brothers Karamazov", "the Overcoat", "Wedding", "Stroller" Holminova, "life with an idiot" Schnittke, "Poor Liza" Desyatnikov, "Count Cagliostro" Tariverdiev and many others.

With 2010 in the theater each year, the birthday of the founder of the theater passes a retrospective show of his best performances of the festival performances of Boris Pokrovsky.

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