The sculpture Photo: the Sculpture "worker and collective farm girl"

The sculpture "worker and kolkhoz woman" monument of monumental art, a symbol of the Soviet era. The design belongs to the architect Boris Japanu. Sculpture competition was won by the sculpture of Vera Mukhina.

The monument is made of stainless chromium steel. The height of the monument is approximately 25 meters, and the height of the pedestal is approximately 33 meters. The weight of the monument is $ 185 tons.

At the beginning Mukhina made a four-foot plaster model. On this model at the experimental plant of the Institute of Metalworking and mechanical engineering have carried out a huge monument. The work was supervised by Professor P. N. Lviv. Sculpture adorned the Soviet pavilion at the world exhibition in Paris in 1937.

During transport from Paris, the monument was damaged. In the first half of 1939 it was restored and installed on a pedestal at the entrance of the all-Union Agricultural Exhibition (now VVC). In the Great Soviet encyclopedia sculpture called "a model of social realism".

In 1979, the monument was restored. But by the beginning of the two thousandth monument required a major overhaul. In 2003, the monument was dismantled. 40 individual fragments were sent for restoration. Was supposed to get it back by the end of 2005. Funding problems delayed the restoration work, and they were completed by November 2009.

Restorers reinforced structural frame of the sculpture. All parts of the monument has been cleaned up and spent the corrosion process. Established the monument to its former place, but on a new pedestal. It was exactly the same as the original, built in 1937, but a little shorter. New pedestal above the old 10 meters. Installed the monument "worker and collective farm girl" November 28, 2009, a special tap. Officially opened on 4 December 2009.

In the pedestal-the pavilion is an exhibition hall and Museum of Vera Mukhina. In September 2010, in the pavilion opened Museum and exhibition center "worker and collective farm girl". It is an exposition dedicated to the history of creation of a monument in projects, layouts and photographs.

After the reconstruction of the monument "worker and collective farm girl" became part of the Union of museums "Capital". In addition to his "Capital" includes: state exhibition hall "New Manege" Central exhibition hall "Manege", "Chekhov's House", the Museum of the Siddur and others.

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