The Church of the Vladimir icon of the Theotokos in the village Murmashi Photo: Church of the Vladimir icon of the Theotokos in the village Murmashi

Arriving in Murmansk tourists on the way to the city can always notice the unusual Church of the Icon of our lady, located in the village of Murmashi. The full radiance of the Church's cross on a smooth gold dome, clearly standing out against the blue sky, as if blessing coming to Murmansk people.

The Church was built in 2006, according to the blessing of Murmansk and Monchegorsk Archbishop Simon; the consecration of the Church took place in the same year. The erection of the Church was made for donations entrepreneur from Murmansk Vladimir Belinskogo.

Murmashi is a village aviators, builders and engineers. It is worth noting that the village is quite large and has everything you need for a comfortable life: swimming pool, fitness center, kindergartens, schools, many shops, gaming clubs, health Spa, and courts for tennis and hockey – it turns out that everything is provided just for entertainment, but for the soul there is nothing.

In 1996 Murmashi temple opened in the name of St. Catherine. Rejoicing this event, many of us realized that there was a place where you can talk with God by logging into one of his temples. It is worth noting that the original Church building was not provided, resulting in the beginning of Church services does not notify because the bell tower when it was not; besides, the new Church was not open every day. During Church services that are held on public holidays, the Church could not accommodate everyone. Thus, there was a question about the construction of the new Church. During 1999-2000 in the area between the high-rise buildings and shop on a small hill was consecrated, after which time it was installed the cross. It is clear that this is where it was planned construction of the new Church. In the process of a careful study of this area were discovered large power cable, resulting in the construction of the Church on this territory became impossible. Monchegorsk and Murmansk Archbishop Simon pointed out one place, located not far from the original, but being in the valley, but it was marshy and swampy.

In a large village there was one man who decided to build this place for the residents of Church with a bell tower, from which the ringing sound heard all over the village and summoned the inhabitants to the beginning of the service. That man was Vladimir Gennadyevich Blinski. According to the blessing of Simon, in the fall of 2005 took place the laying of the temple Foundation. Up to this point in the swamp works were carried out on the embankments of sand and gravel. Then began a long-awaited construction. Church frame was brought from Karelia, who had already gathered at the place indicated. Responsible for process became Nikolay Nesterenko. The Church iconostasis was ordered from prisoners in the penal colony, and the painting of icons was carried out by icon-painters from the city of Murmansk – Mikhail Gusarov and Konstantin Moroz.

All planned works were carried out in a short time, so after 1. 5 years has sported a dressy log Church, decorated with white frames, Golden domes and blue roof. The interior is also distinguished by beauty and luxury. In the process of raising of the cross on the temple dome rose the strongest wind, and the workers wanted to postpone the work. Surprisingly, a miracle happened – as soon as he had sung one hymn, the wind immediately subsided and the sky you could see the rainbow, which greatly inspired the people and set up the importance of the case. The consecration of the Church took place in winter, December 9, 2006.

The rector of the new Church was appointed hieromonk Alexander Baldowski, on which were placed large expectations, as father Alexander was the only one in the entire Murmansk diocese, who had an honorary higher religious education. Today at the Church of the Vladimir icon of the mother of God since 2007 began working as a Sunday school.

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