Relic juniper grove Photo: Relic juniper grove

Relic juniper grove is located in one of the most beautiful places of the Crimean coast in the resort village of Novy Svet. Relic juniper grove is located on the territory of the Botanical reserve, where grows a wide variety of medicinal plants and rare species of animals.

Juniper grove called the valley of Paradise. To get here, you must climb the rocky stairs Tauri, which was hewn in the rock about 3 thousand years ago. Walking up the stairs you can see a lot of unique trees, very similar to pine, but it's not them - it is a relic juniper tree. It is established that the age of some of these trees reaches to a thousand years, and the circumference at a height of 5 to 7 m up to a meter in diameter. The juniper tree does not rot.

Unique relict trees interspersed with centuries-old specimens of sessile oak and downy oak. There is also ash, maple and pistachio trees. Autumn on the trees visible green fruits, and not cones.

Local fresh sea air filled with the typical smell of juniper, sweet smells of pine and mountain herbs. This is especially felt on a hot summer afternoon. Juniper smell - treatment, killing all the germs, it is a great tool for the prevention and treatment of broncho-pulmonary diseases. The peculiarity of the climate of the village of Novy Svet is that almost the entire year here Sunny weather, which is so much like juniper.

Landscape-national Botanical reserve with unique groves of juniper tree and pine Stankevich surrounding the village, made it attractive and famous to stay, as both locals and visitors. Thanks to its paradisiacal scenery of this magical place attracts a lot of photographers, painters and poets. In addition, there were shot many films, including "Three plus two".

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