Christ Church Photo: Christ Church

Among the many temples in Ireland special attention, certainly deserves the parish Church of Christ in a small cozy town of Bray in County Wicklow. Christ Church is located on Church road next to the town hall and you can easily find it.

To the 50-th years of the 19th century, the population of Shaving has increased significantly and the only Church of the city was unable to accommodate all the parishioners, which naturally entailed the construction of a new temple. So in 1861 he laid the first stone in the Foundation of the future Church of Christ, and on 25 July 1863 in St. James held its consecration. However, by the time the works were not fully completed. The building of the Church tower-the bell tower and her crowning spire began in 1865, and for several reasons it was not completed until 1870.

For a long time the tower was empty, until in 1877 Christ Church in Breuil visited the British statesman and writer William Gladstone. He noted that "such a lovely bell tower must not be silent" and donated some money specifically for a bell for the Church. Eight bells were cast in England by Taylor of Loughborough. The first time the bells rang in 1881 and since then, every year on the night of December 31 to January 1 at midnight jingle proclaims to the inhabitants of Bray and its environs about the coming of the New year.

Overall, the Church of Christ is a rather interesting architectural structure, where blends simplicity and elegance. The Church was built of local gray granite in the so-called "simple French style". However, it should be noted that some elements still whiter characteristic medieval architecture of Ireland, which gives the temple a special finesse. The height of the bell tower with a spire is more than 50 m.

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Christ Church