The Church Of St. Nicholas Photo: Church Of St. Nicholas "under the roof"

The small Church of St. Nicholas "under the roof" is located in the Troodos mountains only a few kilometers to the Southeast from the village of Kakopetria.

This Church, which was built in the XI century, is the only Catholicon – the main monastery Church of the Byzantine period (even though this term was not used), preserved to our days. Like most Orthodox churches of the time, this small structure was designed in the shape of a cross and was topped with a traditional dome. The porch and the wooden roof, which you can see now, there was only a few centuries. This is due to the sloping roof of the temple got its rather strange nickname. The nave was built immediately, but only at the beginning of the XII century.

The Church Of St. Nicholas "under the roof" has become world famous thanks to its wall paintings, which were created during a long time – from the XI to XVII century, although most of the frescoes appeared in the XIV century. Therefore, the whole Church is a kind of Museum of fine arts of the Byzantine and post-Byzantine period.

The frescoes covering all the walls and ceilings of the temple depict scenes from the life of Jesus, his Crucifixion and Resurrection, and the assumption of the virgin Mary, the saints and the archangels, the raising of Lazarus. It is worth to highlight the composition depicting the forty martyrs and the figure of St. Nicholas, in whose honor and was consecrated the Church. And the most "fresh" murals depict the apostles Peter and Paul, and date back to the year 1633.

In 1985 the Church was listed in the world cultural heritage of UNESCO. At the moment it is open to tourists and pilgrims, but in recent times inside the forbidden photos and videos.

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