All Saints Church Photo: All Saints Church

All Saints Church (also called all saints) was founded in 1807 Requested that Admiral I. I. de Traverse - the Chief commander of the black sea fleet. The consecration of the Church took place in a year. Funds for its construction was collected from the lower ranks" of the black sea Department, Admiralty Ministers, urban merchants, and commoners.

The Church is a one-storied stone building, cruciform in plan. Above the entrance there is a bell tower. The temple can accommodate up to 500 people In the Church's crypt is the burial of M. Faleev - city planner and the founder of the Nikolaev shipyard. In the Old cemetery, near the Church, is the tomb of V. Karazin, the founder of Kharkiv University.

In 1858, thanks to the merchant K. Sobolev, nobleman I. Bartenev and the Chief commander of the black sea fleet Admiral N. Arkas the Church was enlarged and rebuilt. The Church property was enclosed with an iron fence, and near it a chapel was built, with a deep basement, which served as a morgue. All Saints Church is the only Church of the town, which was not closed even after the establishment in Ukraine of the Soviet regime.

Near the temple is the family vault of Arkasa with buried in him Admiral N. And. By Arkas, General Z. A. Arkas, their wives, son of N. And. Arkas, composer and ethnographer N. N. By Arkas. Same here after the destruction in 1936 crypt Faleev and moved his ashes.

For two centuries the Church of All Saints is a place of solace for nikolayevets.

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